Oliver Sander authored
[[Imported from SVN: r596]]
Oliver Sander authored[[Imported from SVN: r596]]
rodwriter.hh 2.49 KiB
#include <fstream>
void writeRod(const Dune::BlockVector<Dune::FieldVector<double,3> >& rod,
const std::string& filename)
int nLines = rod.size() + 1 + 3*rod.size();
// One point for each center line vertex and two for a little director at each vertex
int nPoints = 3*rod.size();
double directorLength = 1/((double)rod.size());
// /////////////////////
// Write header
// /////////////////////
std::ofstream outfile(filename.c_str());
outfile << "# AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0" << std::endl;
outfile << std::endl;
outfile << "# CreationDate: Mon Jul 18 17:14:27 2005" << std::endl;
outfile << std::endl;
outfile << std::endl;
outfile << "define Lines " << nLines << std::endl;
outfile << "nVertices " << nPoints << std::endl;
outfile << std::endl;
outfile << "Parameters {" << std::endl;
outfile << " ContentType \"HxLineSet\"" << std::endl;
outfile << "}" << std::endl;
outfile << std::endl;
outfile << "Lines { int LineIdx } @1" << std::endl;
outfile << "Vertices { float[3] Coordinates } @2" << std::endl;
outfile << std::endl;
outfile << "# Data section follows" << std::endl;
outfile << "@1" << std::endl;
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// write lines
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// The center axis
for (int i=0; i<rod.size(); i++)
outfile << i << std::endl;
outfile << "-1" << std::endl;
// The directors
for (int i=0; i<rod.size(); i++) {
outfile << rod.size()+2*i << std::endl;
outfile << rod.size()+2*i+1 << std::endl;
outfile << "-1" << std::endl;
// ///////////////////////////////////////
// Write the vertices
// ///////////////////////////////////////
outfile << std::endl << "@2" << std::endl;
// The center axis
for (int i=0; i<rod.size(); i++)
outfile << rod[i][0] << " " << rod[i][1] << " 0" << std::endl;
// The directors
for (int i=0; i<rod.size(); i++) {
Dune::FieldVector<double, 2> director;
director[0] = -cos(rod[i][2]);
director[1] = sin(rod[i][2]);
director *= directorLength;
outfile << rod[i][0]+director[0] << " " << rod[i][1]+director[1] << " 0 " << std::endl;
outfile << rod[i][0]-director[0] << " " << rod[i][1]-director[1] << " 0 " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Result written successfully to: " << filename << std::endl;