Oliver Sander authored
And use it to implement the Rotation<3> class. This makes the Rotation implementation easier to understand. Previously we have used a FieldVector<3> when a skew matrix was meant. This leads to confusion now that we also use quaternions as tangent vectors of SO(3). In local coordinates, these also have 3 entries. Adding the new skew matrix class makes it clearer what kind of mathematical object is meant. [[Imported from SVN: r7897]]
Oliver Sander authoredAnd use it to implement the Rotation<3> class. This makes the Rotation implementation easier to understand. Previously we have used a FieldVector<3> when a skew matrix was meant. This leads to confusion now that we also use quaternions as tangent vectors of SO(3). In local coordinates, these also have 3 entries. Adding the new skew matrix class makes it clearer what kind of mathematical object is meant. [[Imported from SVN: r7897]]
rigidbodymotion.hh 11.16 KiB
#include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
#include <dune/gfe/realtuple.hh>
#include "rotation.hh"
/** \brief A rigid-body motion in R^d, i.e., a member of SE(d) */
template <int dim, class T=double>
struct RigidBodyMotion
/** \brief Dimension of manifold */
static const int dimension = dim + Rotation<dim,T>::TangentVector::dimension;
/** \brief Dimension of the embedding space */
static const int embeddedDimension = dim + Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension;
/** \brief Type of an infinitesimal rigid body motion */
typedef Dune::FieldVector<T, dimension> TangentVector;
/** \brief Type of an infinitesimal rigid body motion */
typedef Dune::FieldVector<T, embeddedDimension> EmbeddedTangentVector;
/** \brief The type used for coordinates */
typedef T ctype;
/** \brief Default constructor */
/** \brief Constructor from a translation and a rotation */
RigidBodyMotion(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim>& translation,
const Rotation<dim,ctype>& rotation)
: r(translation), q(rotation)
/** \brief The exponential map from a given point $p \in SE(d)$.
Why the template parameter? Well, it should work with both TangentVector and EmbeddedTangentVector.
In general these differ and we could just have two exp methods. However in 2d they do _not_ differ,
and then the compiler complains about having two methods with the same signature.
template <class TVector>
static RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> exp(const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype>& p, const TVector& v) {
RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> result;
// Add translational correction
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
result.r[i] = p.r[i] + v[i];
// Add rotational correction
typedef typename Dune::SelectType<Dune::is_same<TVector,TangentVector>::value,
typename Rotation<dim,ctype>::TangentVector,
typename Rotation<dim,ctype>::EmbeddedTangentVector>::Type RotationTangentVector;
RotationTangentVector qCorr;
for (int i=0; i<RotationTangentVector::dimension; i++)
qCorr[i] = v[dim+i];
result.q = Rotation<dim,ctype>::exp(p.q, qCorr);
return result;
/** \brief Compute geodesic distance from a to b */
static T distance(const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype>& a, const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype>& b) {
T euclideanDistanceSquared = (a.r - b.r).two_norm2();
T rotationDistance = Rotation<dim,ctype>::distance(a.q, b.q);
return std::sqrt(euclideanDistanceSquared + rotationDistance*rotationDistance);
/** \brief Compute difference vector from a to b on the tangent space of a */
static TangentVector difference(const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype>& a,
const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype>& b) {
TangentVector result;
// Usual linear difference
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
result[i] = a.r[i] - b.r[i];
// Subtract orientations on the tangent space of 'a'
typename Rotation<dim,ctype>::TangentVector v = Rotation<dim,ctype>::difference(a.q, b.q).axial();
// Compute difference on T_a SO(3)
for (int i=0; i<Rotation<dim,ctype>::TangentVector::dimension; i++)
result[i+dim] = v[i];
return result;
static EmbeddedTangentVector derivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype>& a,
const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype>& b) {
// linear part
Dune::FieldVector<ctype,dim> linearDerivative = a.r;
linearDerivative -= b.r;
linearDerivative *= -2;
// rotation part
typename Rotation<dim,ctype>::EmbeddedTangentVector rotationDerivative
= Rotation<dim,ctype>::derivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(a.q, b.q);
return concat(linearDerivative, rotationDerivative);
/** \brief Compute the Hessian of the squared distance function keeping the first argument fixed */
static Dune::FieldMatrix<double,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension> secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> & p, const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> & q)
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension> result(0);
// The linear part
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,dim,dim> linearPart = RealTuple<dim>::secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(p.r,q.r);
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
result[i][j] = linearPart[i][j];
// The rotation part
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size> rotationPart = Rotation<dim,ctype>::secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(p.q,q.q);
for (int i=0; i<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; j++)
result[dim+i][dim+j] = rotationPart[i][j];
return result;
/** \brief Compute the mixed second derivate \partial d^2 / \partial da db
Unlike the distance itself the squared distance is differentiable at zero
static Dune::FieldMatrix<double,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension> secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirstAndSecondArgument(const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> & p, const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> & q)
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension> result(0);
// The linear part
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,dim,dim> linearPart = RealTuple<dim>::secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirstAndSecondArgument(p.r,q.r);
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
result[i][j] = linearPart[i][j];
// The rotation part
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size> rotationPart = Rotation<dim,ctype>::secondDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirstAndSecondArgument(p.q,q.q);
for (int i=0; i<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; j++)
result[dim+i][dim+j] = rotationPart[i][j];
return result;
/** \brief Compute the third derivative \partial d^3 / \partial dq^3
Unlike the distance itself the squared distance is differentiable at zero
static Tensor3<double,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension> thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> & p, const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> & q)
Tensor3<double,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension> result(0);
// The linear part
Tensor3<double,dim,dim,dim> linearPart = RealTuple<dim>::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(p.r,q.r);
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
for (int k=0; k<dim; k++)
result[i][j][k] = linearPart[i][j][k];
// The rotation part
Tensor3<double,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size> rotationPart = Rotation<dim,ctype>::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTSecondArgument(p.q,q.q);
for (int i=0; i<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; j++)
for (int k=0; k<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; k++)
result[dim+i][dim+j][dim+j] = rotationPart[i][j][k];
return result;
/** \brief Compute the mixed third derivative \partial d^3 / \partial da db^2
Unlike the distance itself the squared distance is differentiable at zero
static Tensor3<double,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension> thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirst1AndSecond2Argument(const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> & p, const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype> & q)
Tensor3<double,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension,embeddedDimension> result(0);
// The linear part
Tensor3<double,dim,dim,dim> linearPart = RealTuple<dim>::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirst1AndSecond2Argument(p.r,q.r);
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
for (int j=0; j<dim; j++)
for (int k=0; k<dim; k++)
result[i][j][k] = linearPart[i][j][k];
// The rotation part
Tensor3<double,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size,Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size> rotationPart = Rotation<dim,ctype>::thirdDerivativeOfDistanceSquaredWRTFirst1AndSecond2Argument(p.q,q.q);
for (int i=0; i<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; j++)
for (int k=0; k<Rotation<dim,T>::EmbeddedTangentVector::size; k++)
result[dim+i][dim+j][dim+j] = rotationPart[i][j][k];
return result;
/** \brief Project tangent vector of R^n onto the tangent space */
EmbeddedTangentVector projectOntoTangentSpace(const EmbeddedTangentVector& v) const {
DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "!");
/** \brief Compute an orthonormal basis of the tangent space of SE(3).
This basis may not be globally continuous.
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,dimension,embeddedDimension> orthonormalFrame() const {
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,dimension,embeddedDimension> result(0);
// Get the R^d part
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
result[i][i] = 1;
Dune::FieldMatrix<double,Rotation<dim>::TangentVector::dimension,Rotation<dim>::EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension> SO3Part = q.orthonormalFrame();
for (int i=0; i<Rotation<dim>::TangentVector::dimension; i++)
for (int j=0; j<Rotation<dim>::EmbeddedTangentVector::dimension; j++)
result[dim+i][dim+j] = SO3Part[i][j];
return result;
// Translational part
Dune::FieldVector<ctype, dim> r;
// Rotational part
Rotation<dim,ctype> q;
/** \brief Concatenate two FieldVectors */
template <int N, int M>
static Dune::FieldVector<ctype,N+M> concat(const Dune::FieldVector<ctype,N>& a,
const Dune::FieldVector<ctype,M>& b)
Dune::FieldVector<ctype,N+M> result;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
result[i] = a[i];
for (int i=0; i<M; i++)
result[i+N] = b[i];
return result;
//! Send configuration to output stream
template <int dim, class ctype>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& s, const RigidBodyMotion<dim,ctype>& c)
s << "(" << c.r << ") (" << c.q << ")";
return s;