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Introduce SumFunctionalConstrainedLinearization

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#include <tuple>
#include <dune/common/hybridutilities.hh>
#include <dune/solvers/common/resize.hh>
namespace Dune::FracturePhasefields {
* \brief A constrained linearization for a sum of functionals
* \tparam F The SumFunctional to be linearized
* \tparam BV Bit vector types for the degrees of freedom to be ignored
* \tparam Addends A list of ConstrainedLinearization implementations,
* corresponding to the sum functional F
template<class F, class BV, class Addend1, class Addend2>
template<class F, class BV, class... Addends>
class SumFunctionalConstrainedLinearization
@@ -18,86 +29,110 @@ public:
using ConstrainedBitVector = BitVector;
/** \brief Constructor
* \todo Having precisely two addends is hard-wired here!
SumFunctionalConstrainedLinearization(const F& f, const BitVector& ignore)
: ignore_(ignore),
addends_(std::make_tuple(Addend1(std::get<0>(f.functions()), ignore),
Addend2(std::get<1>(f.functions()), ignore))),
: addends_(std::apply([&](auto&&... fi) {
return std::make_tuple(Addends(fi, ignore)...);
}, f.functions())),
/** \brief Pre-compute derivative information at the configuration x
void bind(const Vector& x)
Hybrid::forEach(addends_, [&](auto&& addend) {
// Compute first derivatives of the functionals
negativeGradient_ = std::get<0>(addends_).negativeGradient();
negativeGradient_ += std::get<1>(addends_).negativeGradient();
Solvers::resizeInitializeZero(negativeGradient_, x);
Hybrid::forEach(addends_, [&](auto&& addend) {
negativeGradient_ += addend.negativeGradient();
// Compute second derivatives of the functionals
hessian_ = std::get<0>(addends_).hessian();
hessian_ += std::get<1>(addends_).hessian();
Hybrid::forEach(Hybrid::integralRange(std::integral_constant<int, 1>(),Hybrid::size(addends_)), [&](auto i) {
hessian_ += std::get<i>(addends_).hessian();
// Determine which dofs to truncate
// The ignore_ field contains the Dirichlet dofs
// Truncate all degrees of freedom explicitly requested in the constructor
truncationFlags_ = ignore_;
// Also truncate a degree of freedom if one of the addends wants it truncated
for (std::size_t i=0; i<truncationFlags_.size(); i++)
truncationFlags_[i] |= std::get<0>(addends_).truncated()[i];
truncationFlags_[i] |= std::get<1>(addends_).truncated()[i];
Hybrid::forEach(addends_, [&](auto&& addend) {
truncationFlags_[i] |= addend.truncated()[i];
// Do the actual truncation
// Upper left diagonal block
for (std::size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i)
// Truncate the gradient
for (std::size_t j=0; j<x[i].size(); ++j)
if (truncationFlags_[i][j])
negativeGradient_[i][j] = 0;
// Truncate the Hesse matrix
auto it = hessian_[i].begin();
auto end = hessian_[i].end();
for (; it!=end; ++it)
for (std::size_t j=0; j<x[i].size(); ++j)
for (std::size_t k=0; k<x[i].size(); ++k)
if (truncationFlags_[i][j] || truncationFlags_[it.index()][k])
(*it)[j][k] = 0;
if (j==k && i == it.index())
(*it)[j][k] = 1;
if (j==k && i == it.index())
(*it)[j][k] = 1;
for (std::size_t j=0; j<x[i].size(); ++j)
if (truncationFlags_[i][j])
negativeGradient_[i][j] = 0;
void extendCorrection(ConstrainedVector& cv, Vector& v) const
/** \brief Fill the truncated degrees of freedom in a vector with zeros
* \param cv Input vector
* \param[out] v Output vector: will be a copy of cv, with the truncated
* degrees of freedom overwritten by zero
void extendCorrection(const ConstrainedVector& cv, Vector& v) const
for (std::size_t i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
for (std::size_t j=0; j<v[i].size(); ++j)
v[i][j] = (truncationFlags_[i][j]) ? 0 : cv[i][j];
/** \brief Access to which degrees of freedom have been truncated */
const BitVector& truncated() const
return truncationFlags_;
/** \brief The negative gradient of the sum functional
* Only call this after a call to bind()!
const auto& negativeGradient() const
return negativeGradient_;
/** \brief The Hesse matrix of the sum functional
* Only call this after a call to bind()!
const auto& hessian() const
return hessian_;
@@ -105,11 +140,11 @@ public:
const BitVector& ignore_;
std::tuple<Addend1,Addend2> addends_;
// The ConstrainedLinearization objects that are being summed
std::tuple<Addends...> addends_;
double truncationTolerance_;
// Mark degrees of freedom that should be truncated
const BitVector& ignore_;
Vector negativeGradient_;
Matrix hessian_;