This role installs, enables and configures the PHP module `<module>`.
This role installs, enables and configures the PHP module `session`.
## Requirements
## Requirements
### Variables
### Variables
* php_mod_session_save_path
* description:
* This option defines the argument which is passed to the save handler.
* default: ""
* php_mod_session_name
* description:
* This option specifies the name of the session which is used as cookie name.
* default: "PHPSESSID"
* php_mod_session_save_handler
* description:
* This option defines the name of the handler which is used for storing and retrieving data associated with a session.
* default: "files"
* php_mod_session_auto_start
* description:
* This option specifies whether the session module starts a session automatically on request startup.
* choices: [false, true]
* default: false
* php_mod_session_gc_probability
* description:
* This option specifies in conjunction with `php_mod_session_gc_divisor` is used to manage probability that the gc (garbage collection) routine is started.
* default: 1
* php_mod_session_gc_divisor
* description:
* This option coupled with `php_mod_session_gc_probability` defines the probability that the gc (garbage collection) process is started on every session initialization.
* default: 100
* php_mod_session_gc_maxlifetime
* description:
* This option specifies the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and potentially cleaned up.
* default: 1440
* php_mod_session_serialize_handler
* description:
* This option defines the name of the handler which is used to serialize/deserialize data.
* default: "php"
* php_mod_session_cookie_lifetime
* description:
* This option specifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds which is sent to the browser.
* default: 0
* php_mod_session_cookie_path
* description:
* This option specifies path to set in the session cookie.
* default: "/"
* php_mod_session_cookie_domain
* description:
* This option specifies the domain to set in the session cookie.
* default: ""
* php_mod_session_cookie_secure
* description:
* This option specifies whether cookies should only be sent over secure connections.
* choices: [false, true]
* default: false
* php_mod_session_cookie_httponly
* description:
* This option marks the cookie as accessible only through the HTTP protocol.
* choices: [false, true]
* default: false
* php_mod_session_cookie_samesite
* description:
* This option allows servers to assert that a cookie ought not to be sent along with cross-site requests.
* default: ""
* php_mod_session_use_strict_mode
* description:
* This option specifies whether the module will use strict session id mode.
* choices: [false, true]
* default: false
* php_mod_session_use_cookies
* description:
* This option specifies whether the module will use cookies to store the session id on the client side.
* choices: [false, true]
* default: true
* php_mod_session_use_only_cookies
* description:
* This option specifies whether the module will only use cookies to store the session id on the client side.
* choices: [false, true]
* default: true
* php_mod_session_referer_check
* description:
* This option contains the substring you want to check each HTTP Referer for.
* default: ""
* php_mod_session_cache_limiter
* description:
* This option specifies the cache control method used for session pages.
* default: "nocache"
* php_mod_session_cache_expire
* description:
* This option specifies time-to-live for cached session pages in minutes, this has no effect for nocache limiter.
* default: 180
* php_mod_session_use_trans_sid
* description:
* This option specifies whether transparent sid support is enabled or not.
* choices: [false, true]
* default: false
* php_mod_session_trans_sid_tags
* description:
* This option specifies which HTML tags are rewritten to include session id when transparent sid support is enabled.
* default: "a=href,area=href,frame=src,form="
* php_mod_session_trans_sid_hosts
* description:
* This option specifies which hosts are rewritten to include session id when transparent sid support is enabled.
* default: "$\_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']"
* php_mod_session_sid_length
* description:
* This option allows you to specify the length of session ID string.
* Session ID length can be between 22 to 256.
* default: 32
* php_mod_session_sid_bits_per_character
* description:
* This option allows you to specify the number of bits in encoded session ID character.
* default: 4
* php_mod_session_upload_progress
* description:
* This option is a dictionary with settings about the upload process of a session.
* keys:
* enabled
* description:
* This option enables upload progress tracking, populating the $_SESSION variable.
* choices: [false, true]
* default: true
* cleanup
* description:
* This option enables to cleanup the progress information as soon as all POST data has been read (i.e. upload completed).
* choices: [false, true]
* default: true
* prefix
* description:
* This option specifies a prefix used for the upload progress key in the $_SESSION.
* default: "upload_progress_"
* name
* description:
* This option specifies the name of the key to be used in $_SESSION storing the progress information.
* freq
* description:
* This option defines how often the upload progress information should be updated.
* default: "1%"
* min_freq
* description:
* This option specifies the minimum delay between updates, in seconds.
* default: 1
* php_mod_session_lazy_write
* description:
* When this option is set to true, means that session data is only rewritten if it changes.