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  1. Mar 17, 2023
  2. Mar 16, 2023
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      NodeFragment: added remove methods · 8d84e3c7
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      Various remove methods were added, which are all implemented by an
      static method, analog to the last commit.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      NodeFragment: improved insert methods · 1e575a13
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The single method (formerly SH_NodeFragment_append_child) to add a child
      at the end of the child list was replaced, by a bunch of methods to
      insert a child at the beginning (SH_NodeFragment_prepend_child), at the
      end (SH_NodeFragment_append_child), at a specific position
      (SH_NodeFragment_insert_child) and directly before
      (SH_NodeFragment_insert_child_before) or after another child
      (SH_NodeFragment_insert_child_after). All these methods are implemented
      by a single internal one (insert_child), as there isn't really much
      difference in inserting one or the other way.
      But this internal method doesn't check whether this insertion request is
      actually doable, to save overhead as not every insertion method requires
      this check. This is done by the respective method. However if the check
      is not done correctly the internal method will attempt to write at not
      allocated space, which will hopefully result in a segfault.
      The child list is implemented as an array. To reduce the overhead to
      realloc calls, the array is allocated in chunks of childs. The
      calculation how many has to be allocated is done by another static
      method and determined by the macro CHILD_CHUNK. This is set to 5, which
      is just a guess. It should be somewhere around the average number of
      childs per html element, to reduce unused overhead.
      Also some predicates (SH_NodeFragment_is_parent,
      SH_NodeFragment_is_ancestor) were added to check whether a relationship
      exists between to nodes, thus whether they are linked through one or
      multiple levels. These functions could replace the old ones
      (SH_NodeFragment_is_child, SH_NodeFragment_is_descendant) semantically.
      Furthermore they are more efficient as this is now possible to check
      over the parent pointer. The internal insert method also uses these
      methods to check whether the child node is actually a parent of the
      parent node, which would result in errors later one.
      The old test is now obsolete but remained, as it is not bad to test
  3. Mar 13, 2023
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      fixup! implement NodeFragment as Fragment · 95051add
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      Removed some unnecessary type casts.
      Added some forgotten calls to free.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      Fragment: added parent · 92ed2019
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      Every fragment has a parent now, this is useful for both traversing the
      tree and checking for cycles when a node is added, which would cause
      problems, like freeing things twice or similar nice bugs. Both wouldn't
      be possible otherwise. These features are not implemented yet.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      NodeFragment: added unsafe getter for tag · 0bab1f50
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The library provides a way to directly access the tag in a read-only
      way, which saves an call to strdup. This is useful if only reading is
      necessary , but needs special care by developers, as it is neither
      allowed to modify it nor to free it. Disregarding this will lead to a
      segfault in the best, and to silent data corruption and security bugs in
      the worst case.
  4. Jan 09, 2023
  5. Jan 06, 2023
  6. Jan 05, 2023
  7. Jan 04, 2023
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      fixed type choice · 07448c37
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      An array index should be of size_t instead of unsigned int.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      fixed type definitions · fed99df0
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      Internal struct definitions shouldn't be exported by header files.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      disintegrated validator · 1e61c23e
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The validator was used to check that every created tag is validate.
      However I now think that validation should take place at a later time,
      so it is not mandatory.
      Thus developing the validator is now discontinued.
  8. Nov 16, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      Validator: restructured internal data · a0c9bb25
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The Validator saves the tags as an array. Now also another information
      is added, which slots aren't used currently to spare expensive calls to
      realloc. This led to a mere reimplementation of the functions. Tags
      can't be deleted by now, but the adding function supports reusing empty
      slots. Also the reading functions have to determine, whether a slot can
      be read or is empty.
      The tests were adjusted, but are buggy, so they should be rewritten in
      the future.
      Additionaly some annotations for splint were added.
  9. Nov 15, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      API change: error -> status for exception handling · 0e0fa194
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      Instead of the trivial structure SH_Error, SH_Status is used. The name
      was chosen, because error/status is set independently whether an error
      has occurred. Beside the error type, it also contains the associated
      errno and an error message. The error message is also printed, when it
      is set. Generating error messages with variadic arguments is now also
      There are also macros to check for a set status.
      The exception handling was removed for the *_free methods, because they
      can't fail predictably during runtime.
      Unfortunately the compiler reports, that inside the macro set_status
      printf may be called with NULL [printf (NULL)], although, this is
      explicitly debarred.
  10. Oct 17, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      setup library (make & API) · f86bd5cf
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The make process was restructured to create a library. For this libtool
      is used to provide both static and dynamic linking. Also header
      inclusion guards were introduced, to prevent clients of the library to
      include some single file without including others. The types were
      exported with forward declarations for better abstraction. When
      compiling the library, the macro LIB_SEFHT_COMPILATION is defined and
      symbol declarations are exported fully. For compiling the tests this
      macro is also defined, as the tests not only tests the API, but also the
      internal state, because a lot of errors couldn't be detected otherwise.
  11. Oct 16, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      Text: trivial print · ee0a2189
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The method SH_Text_print just prints the whole string to stdout.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      Text: get length · eca6e0ab
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The function SH_Text_get_length returns the length of the text. As the
      text also supports being longer than SIZE_MAX, this method can fail on
      runtime. If the text is longer then SIZE_MAX, the Text returns SIZE_MAX
      and sets error to DOMAIN_ERROR. Note, that due to the implementation,
      this is a non trivial function, so don't use it to exhaustively.
  12. Oct 15, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      Text: fetch range · bacd41a4
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The function SH_Text_get_range returns a string begining at start and
      ending at end. Note that end specifies the char, that is not returned
      anymore. Thus the function implements something similar, as the pythonic
      slice syntax (text[start:end]). In opposition to the behaviour there,
      calling SH_Text_get_range with start > end is undefined behaviour. If
      start == end, the empty string is returned.
      If start is out of bounds, NULL is returned and an error is set. If end
      is out of bounds, the existent part is returned. Also the length of the
      returned string can be set (optionally) to the out parameter length.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      Text: fetch a substring · 9c9590e1
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The function SH_Text_get_string returns a substring of text beginning at
      index and of length offset. If index is out of bounds, NULL is returned
      and an error is set. If offset is out of bounds, the existent part is
      returned. Also the length of the returned string can be set (optionally)
      to the out parameter length.
      If the original behaviour of SH_Text_get_string is achieved,
      SH_Text_get_string (text, length, error) has to be changed to
      SH_Text_get_string (text, 0, SIZE_MAX, length, error). The only
      difference will be that the function won't fail, when the text is longer
      than SIZE_MAX, because it is told to stop there. A text that is longer
      than SIZE_MAX is not possible to be returned, but that wasn't possible
      at anytime. Also I don't think handling char[] longer than SIZE_MAX is
      possible with the standard C library. Those in this case the text can
      only be returned in parts (By now only possible till 2*SIZE_MAX-1 with
      calling SH_Text_get_string (text, SIZE_MAX, SIZE_MAX, length, error))
      or has to be manipulated using the appropiate SH_Text methods, which are
      not implemented yet.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      Text: fetch a single char · 0cf7d0b6
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The method SH_Text_get_char returns a single character by a given index.
      If the index is out of range, NULL is returned and error->type is set to
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      reimplemented SH_Text as single linked list of strings · 0a62ebe6
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The (intern) implementation of SH_Text was changed from an array of
      char, to a single linked list of arrays of char. This allows an easier
      implementation of (further) text manipulation.
      The API hasn't changed much, but SH_Text_join can't yield an error
      anymore, so it now doesn't support passing an error and returns nothing.
      The source has been adapted to splint, which still tells about some
      errors, but they are all checked to be false-positives.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      return char * · 51de2c6f
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      A method was added, that returns the generated text.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      Text: added constructor with initialization · aeca7dd7
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The constructor SH_Text_new_from_string accepts a string, with that the
      text is initialized. This can replace the so far needed two calls
      SH_Text_new and SH_Text_append_string.
      When writing the test, it was neccessary to simulate an overflow.
      Thereby a bug was detected regarding another overflow test. The bug was,
      that when SIZE_MAX % CHUNK_SIZE == 0 (which is normally true, if 2^n is
      taken as the value for CHUNK_SIZE) there can't be an overflow, so the
      test for an overflow fails. Actually there wasn't a neccesity to check
      for an overflow, as this could easily be bypassed by just allocating the
      requested size instead of the next chunk size, if this would be greater
      then SIZE_MAX.
  13. Sep 21, 2022
  14. Sep 20, 2022
  15. Sep 18, 2022
  16. Sep 08, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      added "wrap mode" for html generation · f027c56d
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      When the wrap mode is used, after each tag a newline is started. Also the
      html is indented, which can be configured by the parameters indent_base,
      indent_base, indent_char. The parameter indent_base specifies the width
      the first tag should be indented with, while indent_step specifies the
      increment of the indent when switching to a child tag. The character,
      that is used for indenting is taken from indent_char. (It could also be
      a string longer than a single character).
      This aguments can't be set by the user, but are hardcoded (by now).
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      added copy methods (Fragment) · ce4fcf29
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      Fragment can be copied, either recursive (copying also all childs) or
      nonrecursive (ignoring the childs, thus the copy has always no childs).
      Adding the same element twice in the tree (graph) isn't possible, as
      this leads to problems e.g. double free or similars.
  17. Sep 05, 2022
  18. Sep 04, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      child for Fragment · c57027bc
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      A Fragment can contain childs. When building the html, the childs html
      is generated where appropiate.
  19. Sep 01, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      append/join Text · 0378698a
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      SH_Text_append_string can be used to append a string to the text,
      SH_Text_append_text can be used to append another text to the text.
      SH_Text_join is a wrapper for SH_Text_append_text, but also frees the
      second text, thus joining the texts to a single one.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      to_html for Fragment · 08dc6d5f
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      A Fragment can output it's html. If there is an error the method aborts
      and returns NULL.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      improve Validator test (memory leaks) · 12400d8f
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      Changing sefht_validator_test so that no memory leaks occur.
  20. Jun 23, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      enlarge Text · 537069d3
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      The space a Text has for saving the string is allocated in chunks. To
      request additional space SH_Text_enlarge is called. If the requestad
      size fits inside the already allocated space or is even smaller than the
      current size, nothing is done. Otherwise a multiple of chunk size is
      allocated beeing equal or greater than the requested size. The chunk
      size can be changed by changing the macro CHUNK_SIZE in src/text.h. The
      default is 64.
      This adjustment is done automatically when a string is added.
  21. Jun 22, 2022
  22. Jun 21, 2022
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      added Text · a71ce13c
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      This is a data type to deal with frequently appending to a string.
    • Jonathan Schöbel's avatar
      look for duplicate tags in Validator · 47407f2d
      Jonathan Schöbel authored
      When a tag is made known to the Validator, which it already knows, the
      old id is returned and nothing is added.
      As this has to be checked by iterating over all known tags, a new helper
      function is written for both SH_Validator_check_tag and
      SH_Validator_register_tag: SH_Validator_get_tag.
      Because we want also to test this function, we have to include
      validator.c in the test file and override the static keyword by an empty
      macro. It isn't possible any more to check for correct overflowdetection
      by setting the index to UINT_MAX, because it will be iterated over all
      data, thus raising an SIGSEGV when doing so. This is solved by filling
      garbage unil UINT_MAX is really reached. As there would be an timeout
      and it would fill RAM with around 40 GB of garbage, UINT_MAX is
      overriden prior to inclusion of validator.c .
  23. Aug 31, 2022