- Jan 28, 2022
This commit adds the energy implementat for the nonlinear Reissner-Mindlin shell model known as the Simo and Fox shell model. Details may be found in "A consistent finite element formulation of the geometrically non-linear Reissner-Mindlin shell model [Müller, Bischoff]"
- Nov 09, 2021
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Oct 28, 2021
Sander, Oliver authored
- Aug 19, 2021
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
With this, the preparatory stretching experiment for film-on-substrate can be done using dune-gfe. The vertices for adaptive refinement can now be selected without specifying a shell area.
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Correct the sign of the Neumann and volume forces to make it consistent throughout dune-gfe and dune-elasticity In the energy file, the energies are *added*. The Neumann and volume forces get the correct sign in the actual program file by mulitplying with (-homotopyParameter).
- Jul 09, 2021
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
WHITESAPCES for previous commit: Add the option to use the Riemannian Proximal Newton solver also for problems with dim = dimwold
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Use cholmod if the dune-solvers version >= 2.8, use umfpack for older versions
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Jun 10, 2021
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- May 05, 2021
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Change the keywords for switching between the solvers to trustRegion and proximalNewton also in film-on-substrate
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Apr 22, 2021
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Now all combinations of dim = dimworld or dim != dimworld and MIXED_SPACE = 0 or MIXED_SPACE = 1 at least compile.
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
This has to be dimworld and not dim.
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
The StressFreeStateGridFunction is the actual parametrization from the grid to the nonplanar Cosserat shell in stress-free state. The geometries of the StressFreeStateGridFunction will then be used for all calculations instead of the linear geometries of the piecewise linear grid.
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
This has been changed to Dune::Vtk::FormatTypes::ASCII in the dune-vtk module
- Feb 16, 2021
Sander, Oliver authored
The previous implementation worked only for first-order finite element spaces, because it assumed that grid vertices and Lagrange nodes were identical.
- Feb 08, 2021
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Jan 20, 2021
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
- Jan 19, 2021
- Nov 20, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
So far, the Cosserat rod energy implementation hat a first-order finite element space hardcoded. This patch removes that restriction. As for the other models in this Dune module, the finite element basis is now a template parameter of the model energy, and can be set to any reasonable basis.
Sander, Oliver authored
It is not a 'stiffness' anymore, but really only implements the energy.
Sander, Oliver authored
This is a prerequisite to a) support for higher-order FE, and b) getting rid of the hand-written CosseratVTKWriter.
Sander, Oliver authored
Previously, the rod3d code used a hand-implemented first derivative of the rod energy, and FD for the second derivatives. This patch replaces this by ADOL-C for both first and second derivatives. Advantages are: * The code is much shorter, and easier to understand. * The previous code contained interpolation formulae for first-order 1d geodesic finite elements. This restricted rod problems to first-order GFE. A follow-up patch will allow higher-order approximations. * The new code runs roughly twice as fast.
Sander, Oliver authored
GeodesicFEAssembler can replace it without problems.
- Nov 08, 2020
Sander, Oliver authored
Sander, Oliver authored
In the 'mixed' case the volume term was simply forgotten, and not actually handed to the assembler.
Sander, Oliver authored
It is very unlikely that somebody will use that ever again.
Sander, Oliver authored
Rather than using a default file, which was the case previously.
Sander, Oliver authored
Otherwise the program aborts for the usual mysterious reasons.
Sander, Oliver authored
- Nov 05, 2020
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
Lisa Julia Nebel authored
When dune-curvedgeometry is not found, the normal Derivative is set to zero.